
2018 year

2018 01 08 elbows and hips x-ray results of Dali Aukštagiris Aidas, Debora Aukštagirio Aidas, Damian Aukštagirio Aidas were formally confirmed in Augsburg (SV Germany) . The results of all the pets are great: HD-normal (A), ED-normal (0).

2018 01 20 in Estonia, Barley Aukstagirio Aidas successfully passed breed survey (Korung). Barley’s performance (bitework) has been especially appreciated. Breed surveyor Harald Hohmann (SV Germany).

2018 01 20-21 at Estonian German Shepherd Dog Speciality Show Barley Aukstagirio Aidas took a high third place at (V3) in a strong competition. This was the first Barley’s exhibition in the male working class. Before that, he had an excellent test of bitework. Judge Harald Hohmann (SV Germany).

2018 01 20-21 at  Estonian German Shepherd Dog Speciality Show Dali Aukštagirio Aidas took 3rd place (SG3). This was the first Dali’s show in the youth class. Judge Harald Hohman (SV Germany).

2018 02 03 Xari vom Turkenkopf successfully passed the IPO1 and Pedigree breed survey by SV judges.

2018 05 05 Our kennel’s pets have been well presented at the Estonian Specialized German Shepherd Show. Barley Aukštagirio Aidas became the winner of the show in the male working class and was awarded the VA1 class. Huby Aukštagirio Aidas in the puppies class also became the winner of the exhibition Vv1. Georgia Aukštagirio Aidas took a high third place (Vv3) in 9-12 months group. Judge Mr. Otto Korber Ahrens (SV Germany).

Bekita Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed IPO1 exam in Germany.

09 06 2018 Debora Aukštagirio Aidas, Dali Aukštagirio Aidas, Djuni Aukštagirio Aidas, Credo (damian) Aukštagirio Aidas, Adria Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed BH exam. The judge A.Butkus (FCI Lithuania).

2018 06 15 Bekita Aukstagirio Aidas successfully passed  breed survey (Korung) with very good judge report  Breed surveyor  Mr.Karl-Heinz GLADBACH (SV Germany).

2018 06 16 Lithuania German Shepherd Dogs speciality show was held in Marijampolė. Judge of the show Mr.Karl-Heinz Gladbach (SV Germany).

We are very proud and happy, feeling amazing for the results of our kennel’s dogs at the show:

  • Barley Aukstagirio Aidas – V1 (the winner in the working class males), with the title for the best bite work;
  • Salamandra Gelezinis vilkas – V2 (working class females);
  • Xari vom Turkenkopf – SG2 ( open class females);
  • Dali Aukstagirio Aidas – SG1 (the winner youth class females);
  • Djuni Aukstagirio Aidas – SG2 ( longstockhair  young class females);
  • Gallardo Aukstagirio Aidas – Vv1 (the winner longstockhair class males 9-12 months);
  • Georgia Aukstagirio Aidas – Vv2 (9-12 months females);
  • Huby Aukstagirio Aidas – Vv2 (6-9 months males);
  • Henko Aukstagirio Aidas -Vv4 (6-9 months males).

Year 2017

Atos Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed BH exam. Judge V. Avtuško (FCI Lithuania).

2017 02 19 Atos Aukštagirio Aidas became CAC, BOS, N at the international dogs show in Panevėžys.

2017 03 10 six puppies were born at “Aukštagirio Aidas” kennel. Father Sanjo vom Osterberger Tal (SG15  BSZS 2016), mother Quiggy vom Murrtal Zwinger.

2017 03 19 Atos Aukštagirio Aidas succesfully passed breed survey with excellent bitework.

2017 03 19 Barley Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed BH exam.

2017 05 06 at Latvia GSD speciality show Salamandra became the winner V1 (working class females), Xari became SG3, Bekita-SG5, Barley SG6.

2017 05 28 at Molėtai Mayor’s Cup’17 International dog show Barley Aukstagirio Aidas (intermediate class male) became N, CAC, CACIB, BOB, the winner Best in show 1 group. Judge of the ring H.J.Dux (SV Germany). At the same time he became the best Lithuanian dog in the show. Judge Ishiro Ishikawa (Japan).

Xari vom Turkenkopf (open class female) became N, CAC, CACIB,BOS.

Many thanks to Rasa Dykinaite and Gintaras Barkauskas for the preparation and excellent handling.

We are delighted to results. 2017 06 17 at Lithuania GSD speciality show Xari (intermediate class females) became the winner SG1 with top show judge report. Salamandra was awarded the second place V2 (working class females) in very strong ring. Atos made SG 5. Judge of the show Hans-Peter Schweimer (SV Germany).

2017 06 17 at Lithuania GSD speciality show Credo-Damian Aukstagirio Aidas (Hugo-Chiwa) became the winner Vv1 (puppy class 6-9 months males). Judge of the show Hans-Peter Schweimer (SV Germany).

2017 06 17 at Lithuania GSD speciality show Djuni Aukstagirio Aidas (Hugo-Chiwa) became the winner Vv1 (puppy class 6-9 months females). Judge of the show Hans-Peter Schweimer (SV Germany).

2017 08 26 Atos Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed the IPO1 exam, judge Viktoras Avtuško (FCI).

2017 08 26 Bekita Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed the BH exam, judge Viktoras Avtuško (FCI).

2017 09 09 at the CAC show Kauno dienos Barley Aukštagirio Aidas became N, CAC, BOS and BOB, judge Ramunė Kazlauskaitė (FCI).

2017 09 16-17 GSD speciality show Latvia took place. Judge Wilhelm Nordsieck (SV Germany).

Results of “Aukštagirio Aidas” kennel:

  • Atos Aukstagirio Aidas VA2 (working class males).
  • Xari vom Turkenkopf SG1 (open class females).
  • Barley Aukstagirio Aidas SG3 (youth clacc males).
  • Dali Aukstagirio Aidas Vv2 (9-12 females).
  • Damian (Credo) Aukstagirio Aidas Vv2 (9-12 males).
  • Djuni Aukstagirio Aidas Vv3 (9-12 l/c females).
  • Etoo Aukstagirio Aidas Vv3 (6-9 males).

Many thanks to Rasa Dykinaite for the well done handling!

2017 09 22 breed survey examination took place in Kaunas under SV judge Gunter Schwedes. Our kennel dogs Atos, Akela, Barley, Salamandra, Santos successfully passed breed survey with top-notch bite work and very good judge report!

2017 09 23-24 an open Baltic German Shepherd Championship took place in Marijampolė. Exhibition judges Gunter Schwedes and Hans Karl (SV Germany). Our kennel dogs achieved great results: Barley Aukštagirio Aidas – SG3 (the best result from Baltic states), Bekita Aukštagirio Aidas – SG4 (the best result from Baltic states), Dali Aukštagirio Aidas -Vv5.

2017 11 19 in Germany LG02 OG Berlin-Britz Bekita Aukštagirio Aidas won the 2nd place in the specialized German Shepherd Show (SG2  JHKH) with a very good judge’s assessment. Judge of the show Frank Goldlust (SV Germany).

2017 11 25 Barley Auštagirio Aidas successfully passed the IPO1 exam  with excellent bitework.

2017 11 26  “Aukštagirio Aidas” kennel welcomed a new litter: 3 male and 5 female puppies were born. Father – Atos Aukstagirio Aidas (Saabat vom Aurelius-Chiwa vom Haus Iskander) SG 2 Baltic Sieger show 2016, VA2 LV specialty show, mother – Salamandra Gelezinis Vilkas, multiple time winner and prize winner at the Baltic States and Germany.

Year 2016

2016 04 hips and elbows x-ray results of Akela Aukštagirio Aidas have been officially approved. HD-excellent, ED-excellent.

2016 04 hips and elbows x-ray rezults of Atos Aukštagirio Aidas have been officially approved. HD-excellent, ED-excellent.

2016 04 24 Xari became the winner of the show at LG-17 Thuringen. Judge Lutz Wischalla (SV Germany).

2016 05 29 Arre successfully passed BH and IPO 1 exam.

2016 06 12 Arre became the winner of the show at LG-09 (Germmany). Judge Uwe Sprenger (SV Germany).

2016 06 18 good results for the kennel “Aukštagirio Aidas”. At the Lithuania GSD speciality show Barley became the winner in the class (6-9 month). Aria became the winner in the youth class and Atos got 3 place. Judge Rarald Hohmann (SV Germany).

2016 07 09 at Beeskow (LG-02) Arre has successfully passed breed survey under judge Frank Goldlust (SV Germany) with excellent report and very good bitework.

2016 07 10 at the the show in Dortmund (LG-06) Arre got second place SG2. Judge Lotar Quall (SV Germany).

2016 07 10 at the show in Dortmund (LG 06) Chiwa became the winner V1. Judge Uwe Sprenger (SV Germany).

2016 07 23 in Latvia GSD speciality show Barley became the winner Vv1, Bekita got 4 place Vv4, Ando became the winner in yong class SG1, Salamandra became the winner V1 in working class. Judge Antanas Butkus (FCI).

2016 08 06 in Tallinn specialized international exhibition Baltic German shepherd Sieger Show 2016 Atos Aukštagirio Aidas became vice-champion SG2. Barley Aukštagirio Aidas was awarded third place Vv3. Judge Rainer Mast (SV Germany).

2016 02 10 ten puppies were born at “Aukštagirio Aidas” kennel. Father Hugo vom Radhaus (V22 BSZS 2016), mother Chiwa vom Haus Iskander (VA6 BSZS 2015).

2016 12 12 SV has officially approved Barley Aukštagirio Aidas x-ray results. ED-excellent, HD-excellent, DNA -confirmed

2016 12 12 SV has officially approved Bekita Aukštagirio Aidas x-ray results. ED-excellent, HD-excellent, DNA -confirmed.

During december 2016 Akela Aukštagirio Aidas successfully passed BH, IPO1 exam (Poland) and passed breed survey.

Year 2015

2015 04 06 at prestigious exhibition in Germany (LG-10 OG-Bellheim) Yara held a fourth place. Judge Wilhelm Nordsieck (SV Germany).

2015 05 03 Yara became the winner (SG  1) at Estonian German Shepherd speciality show. Judge Wlhelm Nordsieck (SV Germany).

2015 05 09 Chiwa became the winner (Siegerin-V1) at VDH Europasieger-Internationale Ausstellung Dortmund 2015. Chiwa get the title Best of Breed dog. Judge  Uwe Sprenger (SV Germany).

2015 05 14 Chiwa became the winner V1 of the show at OG Ramstein LG 10. Judge Hans Karl (SV Germany).

2015 05 17 Chiwa successfully passed the exam IPO3 in Germany.

2015 06 06 Chiwa successfully passed breed survey for life time (Korung). Judge Frank Goldlust (SV Germany).

2015 06 20 Chiwa became the winner V1 of the show at OG Heidenau LG 18. Judge Andreas Rudolph (SV Germany).

2015 06 20 Santos was awarded VA3 (Sellection Class) title at the main Lithuania German Shepherd Speciality Show. Judge Reinhard Meyer (SV Germany).

2015 06 20 Yara successfully passed the exam IPO 1 in Germany.

2015 06 28 Chiwa became the winner in a very strong class at the show OG Wimmelburg LG 19.  Judge Erich Bosl (SV Germany).

2015 07 05 Yara became the winner V1 of the show at OG Dingelstadt LG 17. Judge Torsten Kallenbach (SV Germany).

2015 07 11 Yara successfully passed breed survey (Korung). Judge Reinhard Meyer (SV Germany).

2015 07 12 Chiwa became the winner V1 of the show at OG Neuendorf LG 20. Judge Erich Bosl (SV Germany).

2015 07 26 Yara was awarded 8-th place in a very strong class of the show at OG Burstadt LG 08. Judge Erich Bosl.

2015 08 02 Yara got second place of the show at OG Bad Lippspring LG 07. Judge Hans Joachim Dux (SV Germany).

2015 08 15 Yara was awarded V4 place at the Main spaciality show in Austria. Judge Erich Bosl (SV Germany).

2015 09 06 at the Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2015, informally equated to the world championship, Chiwa took particularly high place. She was given VA6 selection class title.

2015 09 06 at the Bundessiegerzuchtshau 2015 Yara was awarded very high V33 place.

2015 09 12 Yara successfully passed the IPO2 exam. Judge Giunter Schwedes (SV Germany).

2015 09 28 Yara became the winner at the Baltic German Shepherd speciality show. She was given a VA1 selection class title. Judge Marco Osman (SV Germany).

2015 10 04 Aria Aukstagirio Aidas and Atos Aukstagirio Aidas (Chiwa daughter and son) became winners at the Lithuania German Shepherd Speciality Show (9-12 month class) Judge Norbert Wetlaufer (SV Germany).

2015 12 17  hips and elbows x-ray results of Arre Aukštagirio Aidas were officially approved. HD-excellent, ED-excellent.